Category History

Hooelake hulks & wrecks inspire art and memories!

Hooe Lake Wrecks & Hulks
Whilst perusing the pictures at the Plymouth Society of Artists art exhibition in Plymouth Museum Art galleries recently, I came across a pleasing painting of one of the old rotting hulks lying in Hooe Lake. The painting brought back childhood memories of the 50’s when around the age of 14yrs ( I’m now 66) the most rebellious thing I ever did was to steal two cigarettes from my mother’s pack, and with a friend, paddled out to the rotting barges towards the middle...

Radford Walk and Talk – Part1

With thanks to Kevin Warley for his Radford Walk and Talk of the 5th December 2009. The following notes are provided for the purpose of interest only, as recalled by a member of the group attending the walk.  Accuracy cannot be guaranteed.…

Gas leak at Breakwater Quarry

Does anyone remember when the Breakwater Quarry (where the Royal Mail is now) was a liquid petrol/gas conversion plant?  There was a pipe link to where the oil tanks were at Turnchapel, and there was an accident circa 1970/80 involving…

Oreston Fire Station?

Would anybody have any information on Oreston Fire Station?  Kevin Wharley has come across some historical items about the area which lead to further research being needed.  One item that he has found out is that in 1924 a fire…