

Radford Historical Walk

Radford Historical Walk Saturday, 5th December at 13.00 Meet at the Beckly centre.  Unfortunately refreshments will not be available at the Beckley Centre on this occasion as they have a prior function. Kevin Warley – local historian and arboretum co-ordinator…

Boston’s development Bayly’s Road

Whilst a second application has been put forward to Planning for merely 92 residential homes, we are still terribly concerned about the levels of traffic.   We would rather see far fewer, higher value (to achieve Mr Boston’s financial target), executive…

Radford Water Works

Erratic malodour problems continue to be blamed on high tides.   We are monitoring the situation and have a place in the queue for investment to investigate the matter further. If you have any questions or enquiries about South West Water’s…

Clean up operations

We are pleased to be able to advise that we hope to organise the cleaning up of local areas through the Community Payback Project which is co-ordinated by the Probation Service.  Watch this space.