An email response from Plymouth County Council’s regarding the repair of storm damage – from a concerned Mount Batten resident
The storms we experienced caused extensive damage to our city including damage to our buildings (predominately to roofs), fallen trees, damage from flooding, damage to piers, and a range of structures on our foreshore including footpaths, steps and other structures including our two lidos at Tinside and Mount Wise. As your email notes this has been a significant extra pressure on our workload.
We have had to prioritise repairs and have had to initially focus on preventing further damage to operational public buildings such as libraries, youth centres and schools. We have also worked to repair and reopen Mount Batten landing stage.
The damage to the waterfront area runs from Devonport through to Jennicliff and we have had no choice but to prevent access where there are missing steps, handrails and unstable masonry and cliff faces to ensure the public are not put at risk.
Assessments have taken place by building surveyors and structural engineers to the damaged assets along the waterfront and early indications show this is likely to cost several million pounds to repair. These assessments will be presented to senior officers and councillors in the next few days.
Whilst both our Lidos are insured; steps, piers and other waterfront features are not. Essential repairs will put further pressure on our already stretched budgets so we are exploring what additional funding might be available from Government grants through the Environment Agency and Coastal Communities Fund.
We are hoping to make some small scale repairs which will enable some areas to be reopened before Easter, however some of the repairs required are most significant and take longer to complete.
Your email requested information regarding two assets in particular, Mount Batten beach steps and to the Jetty.
Firstly you refer to the Jetty, which I presume is the promenade over Mount Batten breakwater. This has had significant damage to both the prom surface itself but also to the seaward structure of the breakwater itself. We have received prices from contractors to complete this repair and are agreeing the final details before we can place an order for these works. This will ensure the repair is both long lasting and will withstand future storm events. We do not have a start date for these works yet as we have not yet placed an order.
With regards to the steps at Mount Batten Beach specifically, whilst you are right at identifying that a repair to the steps as “not a huge job” this work has been assessed alongside more serious damage and prioritised accordingly. The repair to the steps are currently out to contractors to price, along with all of the damage in the mount batten area. We hope by seeking to deliver the repairs this way we can deliver the best value for the taxpayers. We are hoping to receive prices in the next few days then we can instruct a contractor who can then give us an programme for works and expected completion dates.
We appreciate that the barriers and warning signs will be of frustration but it is essential that during this period when repairs are not yet complete, that the public remains safe and warning is given why areas are currently shut off.
I can assure you that we are working hard to identify all damage to waterfront areas, design and instruct appropriate repairs, and also look to see what additional funding may be available to us to support us.
We thank you, and all residents of the city, with your patience at this time and I look forward to updating you again in the future.
*Picture Courtesy of The Daily Mail.