Notice for PLANNING IN HOOE QUARRY 222 houses has now been proposed.
Re-development of Hooe Quarry site by erection of 222 new dwellings, provision of new public open space, ancillary access roads, improvements to Barton Road and associated works
The full planning details can be found here
Here is an easy link to all the planning documents submitted
If you are against this proposal then please register your comments ASAP on the PCC website HERE before 13th September 2011 or write to the address below.
Please also sign the Hooe Quarry Petition here if you haven’t already done so.
The original post on the Hooe Quarry proposal and comments can be found here
See also another post on the original Development proposal here
11/01250/FUL | View Details View Progress Comment |
Description: | Re-development of site by erection of 222 new dwellings, provision of new public open space, ancillary access roads, improvements to Barton Road and associated works | |
Received Date: | 27/07/11 |
The web appears to be littered with unhappy customers…
Interested to read what other customers think of their Barratt Homes Experience?
Don’t let them build such cheap & inferior budget housing
lisa, i assume your tongue is firmly in your cheek?
What a fantastic opportunity to create a sustainable development in the local area. The efforts of the developer should be applauded.
Turnchapel and Mount Batten Residents Association
Do you want: Mass over development?
Greatly limited access to your local schools, doctors’ surgeries and dentists?
Well over 500 more vehicles utilizing an already heavily congested road system.
This will affect everyone!
Exercise your democratic right and write to:
Robert Heard,
Plymouth City Council
Development Management Planning services,
Floor 9
Civic Centre
Quoting Application No: 11/01250/FUL
Write before 13th of September 2011
(Late letters will be accepted up to end of September/ beginning October 2011)