In case you missed it here are the latest Proposals (masterplan V3) from the Barratt Homes Exhibituion from the 24th March 2011. See the full information display boards from the exibition by clicking this link.
• This design features links through the perimeter blocks to the rock outcrop, providing a strong link to the existing natural feature.
• The central perimeter block has been reduced to allow visitors more views of the unique rock face.
• In the north west area of the site the buildings have been re-orientated to front out over the “wild biodiversity site”.
• This design integrates the landmark building better into the north east perimeter structure.
• Units adjacent to the southern boundary have been re-located to allow for the existing bank to be retained.
• The exposed car parking has been removed from the public open space area.

• The density has been further reduced to 225 dwellings, including more houses and less apartments.
• The large area of open space has been increased to 2.1 acres.
• South West Water are currently undertaking an Evaluation of Existing Public Foul Sewer Network.
• To ensure that this development will not have a negative impact on the existing water network, a new pumping station is being proposed on site.
• Barratt Homes are in discussions with a local school to re-use outbuildings on school grounds.
• Plymouth City Council have approved the design in principle and would also adopt the road subject to the approval of these proposals.
• Responding to safety concerns, this masterplan includes the provision of a dedicated footpath along Barton Road providing the community with a safer pedestrian route.
• The access point has moved northward to allow for the retention of those trees, which have Tree Preservation Orders.

• An additional footpath link to Undercliff Road is now proposed in the north west corner.
• The results from the traffic impact assessment demonstrate capacity within the existing highway network to cater for the development.
• An approved mini-roundabout scheme at the Barton Road junction would be implemented, providing natural traffic calming and enhanced visibility.
• Parking provision will be 200% for all houses with additional on-street spaces for visitors.
• In response to the recently felled TPO tree, Barratt Homes would like to replace it with the same species of tree or a suitable equivalent.
• The bank on the southern boundary (close to Amacre Drive) would be retained in some form to maintain its wind break function and the privacy that it currently provides.
• A ten metre ‘wildlife corridor’ (approximately) would be implemented around the western perimeter to link into the “wild biodiversity site”.
Sign The Hooe Quarry Petition Here |
A Hooe Quarry Petition has now been added to this website… See the Petition here